Mondays. I had a good Monday...
Sometimes Mondays follow the Sunday evenings of dread. I've experienced many over the years. This Monday was different. I was so fortunate to look forward to this day. We'd booked, okay, rescheduled (twice), a strategic planning meeting for our Talent Management team. This team has been through the ringer. Many changes; shrinking and then growing, different leaders, different members, different mandates. A diverse group of really wonderful people. All of them authentic, skilled, curious and capable. Beyond capable. We laughed, danced (sort of), questioned, shared, learned and planned. We were nourished, recharged, connected and inspired.
I am so very grateful to be laughing, learning and working alongside them all.
Many thanks to Alana, Andrew, Carley, Catherine, Gillian, Kristie, Lana, Nicole, and Sharon.

PS. I took this photo while on Nootka Island, on Benson Point, at low tide..reminds me of the gifts of resilience and diversity. Gifts this team demonstrates daily.